Sunday, June 24, 2012

Food Storage

Ever since President Spencer W. Kimball asked the members of the Church to get their year's supply of food I have been interested in obtaining and maintaining food storage.  At the time we were living in a tiny farmhouse in Shelley, Idaho.  I think the year was 1977. 

There were times when we were so poor back then that we lived off of our food storage.  I know many who may read this have been in that position.  In my case Mark was working construction in California and I had no money, or not much to speak of.  I guess that's the point of food storage; food on hand when you need it. 

Since it is hurricane season here in Florida, we have been counseled in recent weeks to make sure we have food storage, particularly emergency supplies in case of a hurricane.  Last Monday Mark and I finally filled up our 7 gallon water containers.

We were unable to bring our food storage with us when we moved here; we have no place to store it.  We are slowing building up an emergency supply of food with meal packets you add water to.  Over a period of months we will have enough, I think.  This will fit our needs  until we get back into a house.

In my opinion, the biggest challenge of food storage is rotating and incorporating it into everyday meals.  I saw a food storage book on Deseret Book entitled "I Can't Believe It's Food Storage".  In reading the information about the book I noticed a web site, so I checked it out.  I think this is going to be a fun site to explore, so I am sharing it here:  Everyday Food Storage

 Enjoy.  I know I will.

Temple Progress

Columns were added later in the week.
The precast concrete walls started going up a couple of weeks ago.  It's exciting that the temple construction is getting to that point.  Of course a lot still has to be done before all of the walls are up.  It's amazing to me the process that puts these gigantic panels into place without damaging them.

I went with Mark a month ago on-site to see these precast panels.  They are gorgeous!  I hope to be able to watch when the next group of them go up.

Now if it would just stop raining!

See how gargantuan that crane is!

That's me!